Earlier this week, we took a quick trip to a grapefruit and orange orchard and it was absolutely beautiful. There were these amazing tall palm trees, huge fields of the softest and greenest grass ever and of course delicious fruit. Below are a few pics, scroll on down. // Esta semana tuvimos la oportunidad de…

Sneak Peak

I’ve been working on a new line of eco-friendly and eco-conscious tees that are 100% organic cotton aaaaaand are also super dope. I finally had the chance to photograph a few models wearing our tees and I couldn’t be more excited to share a sneak peak of what’s to come… A million thanks to the…

Adios 2016

Happy New Year!  2017! Last night we welcomed the new year with open arms amongst close friends and family. There was great food, good music, TONS of fireworks –TONS! and the classic piñata. It was perfect. 2016 was such an amazing year, filled with so many wonderful experiences and memories — can’t wait to see what…

Sal Del Rey

While visiting family in the Rio Grande Valley I discovered (thanks to a dear friend, Felix) a hidden gem called Sal Del Rey, salt flat. I’m originally from the Valley, born and raised, and had never heard of  it, so I was super curious to check it out. The drive there was nice and relaxing, the weather…

Mila Coffee

One of our friends, Marco, opened up his very own cafe truck downtown San Antonio and it’s definitely worth checking out. It’s called Mila and it’s located on Broadway directly across the new CH Guenther Bakery. He brings Mexican traditional flavors and incorporates them into his coffee, which is SO good! Here’s the trailer, so…

Cool Local Cookie Shop

While running errands out in the cool rainy weather today, Giray and I took a quick break to get some cookies from a local cookie shop, Lily’s Cookies. With it being Election Day, they were selling cookies of Donald Trump and Hillary Clintons’ faces and they smelled sooo good and looked amazing so I grabbed a…


Giray and I had been obsessing over Anthony Bourdain’s No Reservations, so naturally, we had made plans to visit and eat at all his favorite spots in Tangier (a short 3 hr drive from Chefchaouen). Anthony had mentioned time and time again how Tangier was his favorite city in the world and with Spain being a…

Chefchaouen – The Blue City

After spending a few days in Marrakech, we decided it was time to explore more of Morocco, so we rented a car and took off into the desert. Giray and I had heard amazing things about “The Blue City” aka, Chefchaouen so we made that our first road trip stop. Chefchaouen is about a 7 hour…

Moroccan Nights

After much walking  in the heat and exploring what felt like every nook and cranny in Marrakech, we decided we had earned a fancy meal and belly dancers,  lol. We had heard about this amazing restaurant in Marrakech, Comptoir Darna, that is a celeb go-to, had the best belly dancers and food, so we made reservations, got…

Adios Corporate World

So, Giray and I decided to quit our corporate jobs. We have been working for a big corporation for a little over 2 years and boy did it take it’s toll on us. Before I say more, I’d like to say that there’s absolutely nothing wrong with working a corporate job but it’s definitely not…